Working out has a lot of different meanings. To one person it might mean hitting the gym and pumping some iron. Another might also go to the gym and focus on cardio, such as a spinning class, step aerobics, or maybe even a capoeira class. Still another might consider an 8-mile trail run or a 15-mile mountain bike ride as their form of working out. I say, yes…these are all great ways to get exercise, and stay fit and healthy. There is one group of fitness routines that I haven’t mentioned. They have huge followings, are relatively inexpensive, and you might already own it. What is it this, none other that a workout video.
Millions of people have fitness videos in their homes, or know people that have one or more collecting dust on the shelf. Most people buy these as an impulse or out of guilt, possibly even trying to make good on their New Year’s Resolution to diet, be more active, and loose that extra 10-20 pounds. However these gems managed to make it onto your shelf is not the point. The point is that you have a valuable fitness program waiting for you to take advantage of it, whether you want to loose weight or just improve your fitness level.
Now, I know that not all workout videos are made the same. Chances are that if you paid $10 for it, you probably ended up getting what you paid for, which might be the reason it is still on the shelf and not in your DVD or VCR. There are some more expensive and better produced video series that can really get your heart pumping and your muscles screaming “yes, more please!” Two video series that I’ve had the benefit of trying/using are the Billy Blanks Tae Bo and Beach Body P90X series.
My wife and I recently finished the 90-day training schedule for P90X. We both also run, so we supplemented the 90-day training and healthy diet with running several days a week. After about the first 30 days, I began to start feeling stronger and more stable on the runs. My hill climbing ability on my mountain bike rides also became easier and faster (thanks to all the leg, back, and core work from P90X and Tony Horton).
So, for anyone thinking that your one exercise routine is enough, I highly recommend you mix up your routine (cross-training) to get the stronger and healthier body you desire. By focusing all your attention on one mode of exercise, you neglect all the supporting muscles that allow you become faster and stronger. I continue to use the videos, as well as running and biking. I think that I’m healthier, stronger, and happier about my fitness than I’ve ever been.
I stumbled across your blog and this was such a great post, I had to comment! I couldn't agree with your statements more. My husband and I also just finished our first round of P90X and we are totally changed people. It's an amazing system and works. I also did Tae Bo for years and loved it. Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more!