Thursday, May 28, 2009

Running the Trails

On Saturday I plan on running a longer than usual run, probably the longest run I've done so far...about 10 miles. Most, if not all of these miles, will be run on fire trails and single-track trails around Lake Chabot (near my home). I know that 10 miles might not seem exceedingly difficult, but if you've never run hills with a 94% grade, then I would suggest you try it.

Running up the steep hills really give your calves a workout, and coming down is fast and gets your foot speed really moving and works the quads. Aside from the great workout that the hills provide, you get the opportunity to observe nature. The occasional gopher or rabbit grab your attention as they scurry to the sides of the trails. There are also local groups of wild turkeys to see...and dodge; they are huge and not the smartest of birds.

I usually run the streets to get to the lake, but I'll probably end up driving there and just hitting the trails directly. That way I can really enjoy all the miles on the dirt and give my joints a break from the pounding of the concrete and asphalt. There are the occasional walker, horse, or mountain biker on the trails, but if sure beats dealing with crosswalks, cars, and the nauseating smell of car exhaust. My advice would be to find a local park, get a trail map (very important!!!), and hit the trails.

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