Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I've become a "3-day-weekend" Slacker

Yes, it is true. The Memorial Day Weekend has taken its toll on me. It is not that the weekend was so busy, leaving little time to run, bike, or P90X. Quite the contrary, this weekend was cloudy and dreary which made it way to easy to stay inside with the family, watch some TV, and surf the Net. Besides the unaccommodating weather, everyone was home as well, and when everyone one is home, I tend to not do anything as well. Actually, I think we all sort of feed off of each others inactivity.

On Monday night, my wife and I finally comitted to doing some P90X to get back on track. Those 3 days of slacking really made a difference. Weights felt heavier, reps felt longer, and the floor looked very inviting with every push-up. But, today is a new day and time to get back in the saddle, so to speak. 4th of July weekend is coming soon and we must get busy if we plan on making a splash and the annual pool party. In this case, the smaller the splash the better!

Note to self: 1 day off is OK, 2 days off is manageable, 3 days off...bad idea. Keep running, riding, or whatever floats your boat.

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