Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Getting Chased by Dogs

If you run or ride, you’ve probably been chased by a dog at least once in your life. I’ve been chased by many dogs from big ones to little ones, and from past experience the little ones are the one most likely to bite…ankle or shin biters. Now, I’ve also been chased, pursued, or followed by many dogs that had no ill will but to go fast because I was going fast. Dogs like to run; its in their blood.

When I am on the trails, a lot of owners like to let the dogs loose and walk off the leash. I’m all for doggy freedoms, but when the owner can’t control their dogs and they get in your way to the point where you are either going to trip over them (running), hit them (biking), or they decide that they want to “go fast” too, then enough is enough.

As an owner of a dog, we (humans) are responsible to also controlling them. Dogs are pack animals and respond to the pack leader. If the owner isn’t able to control their pack, then keep them on a leash or keep them at home. The trails are for everyone, dog, horse, and person alike. But, people don’t typically chase you and attempt to bite you. People on the trails should respect one another as well, but that is a learned practice. An out-of-control dog is not.


  1. I recently saw a dog pass me while I was running to go after a biker. The owner did NOTHING. Needless to say, the dog wasn't on a leash.

  2. My most recent experience being chased or raced by a wiener dog. That's when I realized that this was actually one dog I could out-run!
